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Individual cyber security

Your safety our
Mission |

We specialize in offering personalized cyber security and risk management incident response services, among others. Our primary objective is to safeguard not only you but also others. As part of our commitment, a portion of the funds you entrust to us is directed towards charities. Our mission revolves around assisting and securing individuals, and positively impacting the world!


Offering business grade antivirus solution with the following features


We Provide The Following Services

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The VPN we provide you will have and will give you the following

  • Prevents data leaks, keeping your personal information secure
  • Cuts your internet if the VPN drops, so your data stays safe
  • Server speeds of up to 10 Gbps keep your devices running fast
  • Enjoy global access to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and more
  • Enable your VPN for certain apps, and disable it for others
  • 2000+ servers in 100+ locations, so you know you’re always protected.


Links And Attachment Analyse

We will analyse and scan files and links daily if you get an email from someone or an SMS message and you don't know from whom or you have a suspicion we will assist you and analyse the context for you and let you know if it is safe or not.

We have 

  • Over 4 million recorded Scammer's Data (Emails, Pseudo Names, Usernames, Phone Numbers, crypto addresses or websites, etc.)
  •  Top malware analyzing tools and detection techniques,
  • Investigate email addresses to find the source of the email if it is a scammer or a more direct attack

Catfish Detection and Image Protection Service

we offer a cutting-edge Catfish Detection and Image Protection service designed to safeguard your online identity. Our advanced artificial intelligence technology thoroughly scans social media platforms and websites to detect fake profiles that might be impersonating you. Additionally, our service monitors the internet to identify unauthorized use of your images, ensuring your photos are not exploited. With comprehensive reports, we immediately take action against any fraudulent activity. and make sure to keep your digital identity secure and your images protected.


Right Plan For You


24 99
World Leading Anti-Virus On Computer And Phone
Virtual Private Network (VPN) On Multiple Devices
Incident Response
SOC Analysts
Catfish Detection Using AI
Ticket System For Questions Relevant With IT
Unlimited Link And File Analysis
AI Poisoning For Images And Art
eLearning Platform (Courses)
Coming Soon


49 99
World Leading Anti-Virus On Computers And Phones
Virtual Private Network (VPN) On Multiple Devices
Parental Control Application
SOC Analysts
Incident Response
Catfish Detection Using AI
Ticket System For Questions Relevant With IT
Unlimited Link And File Analysis
AI Poisoning For Images And Art
eLearning Platform (Courses)
Coming Soon

Business Owners Government Officials And Journalist


Laptop With Secure Operating System
Antivirus On Clients Dedicated Server (No Third Party)
Virtual Private Network (VPN) On Dedicated Server
SOC Analysts
Incident Response
Catfish Detection Using AI
Private Ticket System For Questions Relevant With IT
Unlimited Link And File Analysis


World Leading Anti-Virus On All Business Computers
Virtual Private Network On Dedicated Servers (VPN)
Advance SOC Analysts
Incident Response 24/7
Browser Isolation On Dedicated Server
Social Engineering And Phishing Simulation

Make the world a safer places using technology and individuality  




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